Say Goodbye To Beard Dandruff, Forever

The skin under your beard can get brittle and dry. Here's the best way to exfoliate, cleanse, and moisturize to keep beard dandruff at bay.
Some of the biggest, most enticing beards out there are harboring a deep, dark secret: beard dandruff. The skin beneath that impressive mane is often malnourished, having been deprived from moisture for a really, really long time. So, while the beard glistens, the dry skin beneath flecks and flakes … and at YELLE Skincare we care about skin, first, everything else after.
For all of our fly bearded fellas, a simple adjustment to your regular regimen will do the trick. The following three steps, done weekly, will banish any existing dandruff, while strengthening the skin to prevent further flakeage.
Use A Beard Brush While You Exfoliate.
Usually, exfoliating is the second step in a skincare regimen. However, when it comes to the skin beneath your beard, it’s logistically easier to exfoliate the beard area first—before cleansing, and before you step in the shower.
Pairing our Brave Collection No More Grit Scrub with your favorite beard brush is a great way to gently remove dead, flaking skin. Simply brush the No More Grit Scrub through your beard and alone your skin line to loosen dead skin cells before cleansing and hoping in the shower.
Always shower after brushing.
Wash your beard properly.
It’s much easier said than done, but a lot of guys don’t even realize that they are washing their beard wrong in the first place. When you use your facial soap, you should actually scrub your fingers back and forth, rubbing your chin area to ensure that you are cleansing the area properly. Firm continuous strokes using our Brave Collection Milk and Honey Cleanser will do the trick in ensuring that you’re cleansing your skin after exfoliating properly. It may be easier to do this in the shower, like you are washing your hair.
Moisturize before you add a beard oil.
We know, it’s easy to forget about the skin underneath your beard, but the best way to ensure that you’re taking care of your skin is to moisturize before you use a beard oil. Beard oil is essentially a hair oil and it only treats hair follicles. Using our Brave Collection daily moisturizer actually ensures that you’re treating and taking care of your skin first before the hair. Remember if the skin is healthy and balanced, the hair growing from it will be as well.
So you see, the skin underneath those scrumptious beards matter too! Make sure you’re taking care of your skin so that your beard can remain healthy and luxurious.