Holiday Cocktail and Happy Hour Reminders for Your Skin

December marks the start of the holiday season. The drinks, appetizers, and deserts will definitely be flowing, and all that celebrating can impact the skin. With a few weeks of holiday festivities ahead of us please keep these tips for the skin in mind as you celebrate the season.
Pass on the Alcohol
Dull and lackluster skin are all the result of excessive drinking. The extra sugar in alcohol is also problematic. It can cause inflammation which last for days, uncomfortable acne and dehydration. While one drink probably won’t harm the skin, it's hard for most of us to have only one. Resist the urge all together and try reaching for club soda or a low-calorie spritzer instead.
PRE-Party Smart
Party smart by exercising, limiting caffeine, and getting plenty of rest ahead of holiday parties. While these things should be a habit, we all know it can be a challenge. Try to pay special attention to these things especially as you are coming and going for the holidays. Don’t forget to prep your skin by using an eye cream, serum and mask to enhance your holiday glow. Your skin and body love these activities and the positive results will definitely show up on your skin.
Limit Gingerbread, Frosted Sugar Cookies and ALL other Sugary Holiday Treats
One or two snowmen sugar cookies won’t hurt the skin, especially if you have an overall healthy diet and lifestyle. But when you start reaching for the cookie jar and desert trays more than just a little, it could definitely cause problems for your skin and not to mention your waistline. Sugar breaks down collagen and elasticity. It can also dehydrate the skin and cause puffiness, swelling and overall inflammation throughout the body through a process called glycation. Glycation can enhance other skin conditions like acne and rosacea, so it is a safe bet to say, you probably want to limit your sugar consumption over the holidays and that includes artificial sweeteners as well.
Fiber During the Day, Sweet and Savory at the Party
In an ideal world healthy fiber- rich foods would replace all those cranberry crostini’s, pigs in a blanket, and other appetizers we tend to nibble on at holiday parties. However, since that is rarely the case try eating fiber-rich and low sugar foods before you party to keep things balanced. Try reaching for chickpeas, oatmeal, quinoa, whole wheat pita, oranges, almonds, apples, and other fiber rich foods during the day to help manage cravings at night when the sweet and savory bites come out. Hopefully your belly will be so satisfied from the wholesome goodness you served it earlier in the day that it will not crave a ton of holiday puffs, and crab balls at night.
Manage the effects of holiday parties by incorporating YELLE Skincare into your routine. We want this holiday season to be good for your skin so please enjoy these holiday suggestions: Reduce puffiness and dark circles from partying with our brightening eye cream. Fight glycation with our nourishing peptide boosting serum and apply Awakening moisturizer cream all over the skin to combat dehydration from over indulging in alcohol or salty foods.
Written by Regina Tucker
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