High Functioning Anxiety in Mothers

Dear Mom,
The struggle is real, right? For us every day seems like a day survival. We are wearing thousands of hats, shuffling between all the roles, and completely becoming accustomed to our own chaos. This routine has become our haven, and that … is dangerous.
Society has programmed us to think that the hustle and bustle is a blessing. Our culture can actually reward things like perfectionism, high-functioning anxiety and even burnout. So it’s no wonder that some of us don’t even recognize this as a problem.
Seriously, have you ever even considered High Functioning Anxiety to be a thing? What comes to mind when you think of it? Maybe you feel like high-functioning anxiety in motherhood isn’t that bad (you’re still meeting your day-to-day demands after all, right?) or that it’s even a good thing.
To be high-functioning means that you’re still appearing normal, showing up for your kids, and not dropping the ball despite feeling anxious much of the time.
That’s why many might dismiss it, allow it to go undetected, or even think it’s a good thing.
Let’s dissect what High Functioning Anxiety looks like in Motherhood.
- You look like you’ve got it all together.
Others might seem impressed or outright admire your ability to do it all, be everywhere, and hold down the show no matter the circumstances. You’re the mom who has her sh*& together. Every day. All day. Always.
On the surface, you appear to be thriving but beneath that, you may always feel like you’re barely just keeping it together day by day. Feel familiar? Been there. Remember: Just because someone (you, your strong friend, your sister in law) presents as though they have it all together, doesn’t mean that they actually do.
- You’re a perfectionist, and can be too hard on yourself.
The intention is great of course but there are two problems. Firstly, having unrealistically high standards often just means setting yourself up for failure.That can look like self-critical thinking, allowing our self critic to go rogue, and tossing self acceptance out the window. That doesn’t just affect you, it impacts those around you. Is perfectionism really so great if this is the outcome?
- You’re terrible with the word NO.
Mom, remember NO is a complete sentence, use it.
If the word “no” isn’t really in your vocabulary, you may be part of the large group of women who struggle with high-functioning anxiety in motherhood. Saying yes to everything means that your to-do list ends up being miles long and your stress level increases.
When you’re feeling anxious, you want to take things off your plate… not add to the chaos.
This might be the time to reflect on why you say yes to everything and have a tendency to people please. At this point if it does make your load lighter, bring you peace or joy –”Get somebody else to do it!”
We are switching our energy up, mom. We are focused on pouring into our cup and not spilling out the last drop. Why wait til Mother’s Day to reward yourself? Or why wait til Mother’s Day to gift the mom in your life something thoughtful.
Our Awakening Complete System has everything mama bear needs to feel the boost of energy, and look rejuvenated –especially our powerful plant-based eye cream. It’s sure to wake up any tired eyes after fulfilling all the mom-duties.