Should I Microneedle with My YELLE Beauty Serums?

At home microneedling via dermaroller has become very popular over the last year. The at home devices promise to deliver skin care products deeper in the skin. The hope of greater absorption and results is enticing but are these devices good for women of color? Would we recommend using them with our collection of peptide boosting serums? Read on to find out what our YELLE beauty team of experts has to say about using homecare needling devices.
Microneedling is a professional treatment usually performed in a dermatology office or medical spa. The procedure which is also known as collagen induction therapy involves repeatedly puncturing the skin with tiny sterile needles to treat a variety of skin conditions including scarring and acne. It is often combined with Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) to enhance results of the treatment. Microneedling creates small little tears or micro injuries on the skins surface, the injury signals the production of extra collagen and elastin which results in plumped skin with even a reduction in acne scarring and pigment reduction.
When used with a serum microneedling can also help with deeper absorption and deliver powerful results. At home versions and the ones you receive at a dermatologist office are very different. The main difference between at home versions of microneedling and the ones you receive at a dermatologist office involves the depth of the needles involved in the treatment and price. At home
versions do not penetrate nearly as deep as the ones used in a dermatologist office and prices range from $450 and up for professional treatments to as little as $9.99 for at home needling devices.
What does our YELLE Beauty team Say about Microneedling?
When it comes to microneedling our team says stick with a dermatologist for treatments and leave at home microneedling devices alone. For women of color we feel at home devices have the potential to do more harm than good. They can actually create more damage to pigmentation when used incorrectly, and are a definite no-no for individuals with active acne, inflamed or irritated skin. Women
of color are also at an increased risk of keloid scars and while the risks may be relatively low with at-home devices we don’t think it is worth it. And even though at home options are more convenient and less expensive the “wounds” created by them may not even be enough to influence the skin. At best it probably just provides superficial exfoliation. Finally, while our entire collection of YELLE Beauty serums is AMAZING they are not intended to be needled into the skin they deliver game changing results without the needles. Our Awakening Peptide Boosting Serum formula for normal skin addresses collagen and elastin production and is a product favorite among our team.
Purchase the YELLE Beauty serum that is right for your skin and experience beautiful results with no down time. Our collection of serums includes:
Awakening Peptide Boosting Serum for Normal Skin
Awakening Brightening Serum for Oily Skin
Awakening Hydrating Serum for Dry Skin
Written by Regina Tucker