Men’s Care: 3 Things You Should Know About Ingrown Hairs

Think you're immune to ingrown hairs? Think again. Regardless of whether you have a stately mane, a five o'clock shadow or a baby smooth chin, your beard can go rogue and form an underground resistance at any time.
But why do ingrown hairs become such an issue? Here’s everything you need to know about why they tend to pop up, how to get rid of them, and what you can do to prevent them so you can achieve smooth skin for good.
Use this guide on ingrown hairs to pluck up the courage to defeat them once and for all.
- Ingrown Hairs Are Technically Your Fault
Ingrowing hairs occur when the hair on your face is cut too close to the skin. "Hair like this tends to be weak and as it grows back it bends under the skin, rather than pushing through." It will then continue growing underneath until it pops out or you go in and get it. Ingrown hairs can present as lumps or bumps in the skin and can even have a head on them like a regular spot. In some cases, you will be able to see the hair beneath the skin but if you have a spot or painful bump in your beard (or in fact, any area in which you’ve shaved) it could be an ingrown hair.
- They do eventually find their way out
With a few exceptions, most ingrown hairs will eventually make their own way out so it’s reasonable to wait and give it time to do so. If it becomes progressively more swollen (ouch) and sore, (or it’s unbearable to watch it grow under your skin) speak to your esthetician and/or dermatologist and you can get it removed.
- How can you prevent this from happening?
Exfoliation is key! Why? Because exfoliants tend to lift the hair and help prevent it growing inwards due to the textured consistency. In fact, YELLE’s Brave Collection comes with everything you need to keep ingrown hairs at bay, including our “No Grit” Scrub, which is an exfoliant specifically curated for men. You should only use it once or twice a week, ideally at night so that your skin can rest after exfoliation.