Flight Confirmed? Here’s Your Spring Break Skincare Pack List

Okay Friend! Do you feel that? That’s just Old Man Winter finally bidding his farewell. Spring has sprung and we are all excited about the extra hours of sunshine and warmer temperatures coming our way. If you’re anything like us, warm weather means ‘wheels up!’
It’s officially time for a spring break getaway. (If you haven’t planned one yet, what are you waiting for?) While vacationing somewhere warm to ring in the new season is super-exciting, figuring out what to pack can be a daunting task. From shorts to sandals to swimsuits to all of the most fabulous looks you plan to serve. Let’s face it, you have a lot to fit into one suitcase. That’s not even including your beauty products.
If you’re anything like us, you tend to over-pack when it comes to beauty and skincare products. At the same time, though, there are definitely some useful essentials to have at your disposal when you’re traveling. Take a look at our must-have skincare pack list for your travels. Be sure to screenshot this so that you keep it handy when packing for your getaway.
YELLE’s Essential Awakening System
Trust us, we know traveling with a lot of moving pieces is a disaster waiting to happen. While you’re trying to fit everything into your carry-on bag, there are still some items that you just can’t avoid bringing. While you may not need to bring your entire Treatment System bringing the YELLE Awakening Essential System is a must. It’s conveniently packed with the 3 most important items you need when traveling: Awakening Cleanser, Awakening Toner, and Awakening Moisturizer so that you can ensure your skin is balanced and healthy while traveling. The best part is these items are small enough to fit in your carry-on bag since they are less than 4oz, making traveling convenient!
Yes sis, you need sunscreen! Wearing broad-spectrum sunscreen daily is one of the best things you can do from your skin. That’s because sun exposure sans protection can lead to damage—and that damage can show up on your skin down the road as visible signs of aging like dark spots and lines/wrinkles. And you should wear broad-spectrum SPF every day rain or shine—yep, even if it’s not so sunny out.
What should you look for in sunscreen? Search for a sunscreen that is formulated with glycolic acid, vitamin C, Pro-Retinol, and broad-spectrum SPF 30. Apply it as directed, and remember to take other sun protection measures as well. Limit your amount of time in the sun (especially between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. as it is the most direct sunlight times for the day).
Highlight, Concealer, and Mascara
If you’re spring breaking by the pool or at the beach, chances are you won’t be wearing heavy makeup. Instead, allow your skin to breathe and get some fresh air. If you still want to spruss up your no-makeup look, consider applying your moisturizer, SPF, then throwing on a little concealer, a dewy highlight and some mascara so that you give off a bright-eyed vibe.
Makeup Wipes
We say this repeatedly, DO NOT sleep in makeup, even if it’s just a little concealer! You add years of bad skin health every time you fall asleep in makeup. For convenience pack makeup wipes so that you can easily wipe away the day. Makeup removing towelettes are a great alternative since their packaging makes them very travel-friendly. Seriously, they’re definitely one of the easier skin care products to fit in your suitcase. Follow up using makeup wipes with actually washing your face with the Awakening Cleanser from the Essential Kit
Mattifying Blot Paper
Being in the sun extendedly can really over-activate your oil-producing cells in your face. That’s why when you see people outside they tend to look more shiny than usual. Between the additional sweet and natural oils over-working, it can all make you feel super oily / greasy. This is an easy fix, just bring along a pack of mattifying blot papers. These papers are actually thin layers of sponge that help mattify your skin without moving your makeup. They usually have a touch of translucent powder on them to dry out the additional oils you may produce.
Let us know where you’re headed for Spring Break 2022! Be sure to tag us traveling with your #YELLEEssentials and we will definitely repost you!