5 NEW Acne Treatment Ideas

Have you tried everything from toothpaste to turmeric to treat your acne? Acne is one of the most common skin conditions in the United States and is often one of the most frustrating to deal with. Our YELLE Skincare Team has been working hard to identify new treatment ideas to help you deal with your acne and we’re covering everything from peptides to psychodermatology in this article. Read on to find out what’s new in keeping your oil production normal and your skin clear in the fight against acne.
If your skin gets red and inflamed from acne, peptides can help fade marks left behind by blemishes and help plump the skin. Consider adding YELLE Skincare Awakening Peptide Boosting Serum to your acne regimen to address mild acne scars.
Mandelic Acid
A recent study in the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology that examined the side effects of chemical peels in darker skin found that fewer side effects were noted when mandelic acid was used for treating acne, photo-aging and pigmentary dyschromia’s. Mandelic acid has been shown to suppress acne causing bacteria and is especially good for melanin rich skin.
Talk to Your Dermatologist about Antibiotics
According to the American Academy of Dermatology individuals can reduce P-acnes bacteria and decrease inflammation by taking antibiotics. For the antibiotics to be most effective they should be taken for the shortest time possible and used alongside a gentle skin care regimen. Ask your dermatologist or skincare professional about using one of our gentle YELLE skincare systems in conjunction with your antibiotic.
Consider Your Emotional Health
In addition to physical side effects, acne can also lead to emotional distress such as low self-esteem and depression. A study in the British Journal of Dermatology found that men and women that had acne saw an increased risk for developing depression. A psychodermatologist practitioner treats skin the way a psychotherapist treats behavior, they use psychological and psychiatric techniques to address dermatological problems. They consider how stress and other feelings may cause and contribute to skin problems. Psychodermatology may be a last resort for some acne sufferers but it has been beneficial in helping some individuals cope with their skin condition.
Check Your Gut Health
You have probably heard a lot about gut health and its impacts on the skin. Leaky gut occurs when your gastrointestinal tract is inflamed i.e. food that is not completely digested enters your bloodstream; the results is inflamed and broken out skin. Some data suggests oral probiotics, fiber rich veggies, and healthy fats as vital components to improving gut health. Speak to your health care professional before changing your diet and to learn more about the effects of gut health on the skin.
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Written by Regina Tucker