4 Reasons You Should DITCH Your Old Washcloth

We know … some old habits are hard to break; but listen to us loud and clear: BREAK UP with the washcloth on your face! Here’s why:
It is well known that physically irritating the skin can lead to more acne.
Since washcloths physically irritate the skin, they should be avoided if you have acne.
While a washcloth can help remove dead skin cells and invigorate the live cells on your face; it can also cause more harm than good. Here are some factors that play into it:
Your laundry detergent and fabric softener may cause more harm than good. You may have a sensitivity to the laundry products you use on your towels that in terms will irritate your skin causing more flare ups and outbreaks in the end.
Old fashioned washcloths hold moisture. This means, somewhere down the line you could be exposing your skin to MOLD (yuck!)
Allergens are lingering between the cotton thread count. Think about it, you store towels (clean and dirty) in a laundry closet usually, right? When’s the last time you’ve dusted your laundry closet. Now your skin is exposed to thousands of allergens from just sitting on a shelf waiting to be used.
The chances of you over scrubbing is too likely. We don’t realize how rough we can be when we are in a rush. Using a cotton washcloth against your skin could cause too much friction and will result in a breakout or skin irritation in the long run.
In general, the best option is to stay far away from old fashioned cotton washcloths. If you feel the need to use a cloth, grab a microfiber one as they tend to be antimicrobial, meaning that the growth of organisms like bacteria is less likely and slower to happen. You can also set your notifications and WAIT on YELLE because our Boss Lady, Yandy Smith is working on creating the perfect product to replace your old faithful wash rag! Of course with it being a YELLE product it will be gentle enough for you to use without harming the health of your skin and practically for everyday use! Subscribe to our emails because you don’t want to miss this! Stay Tuned!!!